27% of Hull Trains’ drivers are women – the highest percentage in the UK rail industry, where the industry average sits at 6.5% according to 2021 statistics. Our policy since being established 23 years ago has always been to promote within, we can also point to our female drivers being amongst the most qualified and well-trained drivers and have already gained a vast among of industry experience following years of working in operational roles. 100% of our female drivers were promoted internally having previously held operational or on-board roles.
Reports show that men hold the majority of executive board positions in most industries. Despite this, 46% of Hull Trains’ workforce is female while the Executive Leadership Team has a 50/50 gender split. Female talent retention is just as important to us as talent attraction. To support female colleagues with family responsibilities, Hull Trains is proud to adopt a flexible approach to working for colleagues who may need it. Since 2015 we have had a step change in our approach to flexible working, and now 15% of all colleagues, across office and on-board roles, work flexibly to support a work/life balance.
We continually listen, and gather feedback, from colleagues for example at our monthly Pulse sessions where colleagues are invited to meet with the leadership team, to discuss issues that matter most to them. Last year we introduced a new Menopause Policy which acknowledges the changes women will experience during menopause and is aimed at providing appropriate support at work. Support measures and action plans are now devised for individuals who approach the business for confidential help.
Hull Trains are key supporters of numerous community events promoting inclusivity including Hull Pride. Deborah Birch, Head of Human Resources, explaining: “We recognise as a company the importance of equality, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace. We want everybody to come to work and feel like they can be themselves. We’re well known for providing a friendly service on our trains and that originates from our people. At its core, it’s about our people coming to work, being themselves and being valued for that."
Throughout our 23-year history, our people are what continue to set us apart from our competition. Local people, working for a local company, providing first-class services to the local community.
Our business conducts talent and succession reviews to support career development from within. Most notable being our Service Delivery Director, Hull-born Louise Mendham, who was recently recognised at the prestigious National Rail Awards - dubbed the ‘Railway Oscars’ - winning the Outstanding Personal Contribution Award (Management) for her selfless dedication and leadership in steering the business through the extreme challenges of lockdowns and re-mobilising it after a period of hibernation.
This level of outstanding leadership was not a surprise to anyone who met Louise, affectionately known as Lou to her team, on day one; 5th April 2004. Back then, she was appointed as part of the Operations Support team.
Since that day, she has progressed through dedication, commitment, tenacity, and a flair for creative problem-solving.
Lou has helped Hull Trains achieve a 48:52 female-to-male gender ratio, bringing great strength to the business. The 50:50, 64:36 and 82:18 female-to-male ratio in the Driver, On-Board Manager and On-Board Host grades is particularly impressive and contributes significantly to the diversity of the Hull Trains team.
Lou inspires the entire workforce, female and male, with dedication, vision, and ability to tackle challenges with determination, creativity, humour, and pragmatism.
She has also been recognised locally this year winning ‘Employee of The Year’ at the HullBID Awards.
Gemma Scott, Resourcing Manager, Hull Trains, commented:
“Lou is quite simply the reason I can do my job. As the Mum of 2 young children, from the beginning of my journey in this role, Lou has been there to support me both personally and professionally with the balancing act that is my life. Lou will always be in the background cheering me on, giving advice and regularly checks in to see how I am managing, sometimes all you need to be asked is simply ‘are you ok?’ which Lou knows exactly when to do, she knows us better then we know ourselves sometimes.”
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